16 November – So why did you promise me the whole world?

We had a winner yesterday. And we have another one today. This is no group, nor is it a maiden win. It’s a last win – to date – for one of our more petite countries.

Our friends in Luxembourg fell out of love with our favourite TV show in 1993. It was 10 years previously they had their last win, coming from today’s birthday girl Corinne Hermès (née Miller). As is tradition, she wasn’t a Luxembourgeoise, but that didn’t RTL picking her to nip over the border to Germany. She picked up six maxima, out of a possible 19, and two countries didn’t even vote for her. Shame. To be fair, it was a closer contest than the year before, with Israel making a late surge. If anyone from RTL is ready, please come back.

Corinne is 58 today.

Bonne anniversaire/Alles Guddes fir de Gebuertsdag, Corinne!