I’m going back in time today. No, not just to 2000 – which is a long time ago – but to a time before even when I was around. And probably you too. Yes, we’re all in glorious black and white today.
Now that might not be too unusual, as the first dozen or so contests were only in monochrome. But I’ve got an extra special treat with the song I’ve picked. It’s in Luxembourgish/Letzeburgesch, one of those rare languages that we hardly ever hear on a Eurovision stage.
It’s a nice change from the badly-sung English that we get from some parts of Europe (and beyond), so rather than being put off by the non-HD nature of the video, relish the fact that you’re experiencing a tongue not many hear. It’s by Camillo Felgen, who sadly died in 2005.
Camillo would have been 96 today.