21 March – You’re my waterfall

Georgian coat of arms

Now there’s a song lyric that we can all relate to. After all, who wouldn’t want to be a waterfall? Not just any old waterfall naturally, but one of those tall ones you get in Venezuela. I joke of course. All waterfalls are special in their own way.

Today’s birthday girl სოფო გელოვანი/Sopho Gelovani was one of the singers from Georgia who sang about this natural phenomenon, along with ნოდიკო ტატიშვილი/Nodiko Tatishvili. It was a song written by everyone’s favourite Swede Thomas G:son. And our Sopho continued the tradition at the time of all Georgian women being given that name.

Sopho is 33 today.

გილოცავ დაბადების დღეს, სოფო!