21 September – Playing Tetris with my feelings

That class of 2020, eh? They keep amazing us with their also being the class of 2021. It was commendable of the various TV companies continuing to back them, and it was ironic the winners of 2021 weren’t there in 2020.

One of that class of 2020-21 was today’s birthday girl Victoria (née Виктория Георгиева). In 2021, we got to see a number of videos of the songs she could sing in Rotterdam. They were very nice, but as we know a lot can change between a highly-polished video and a song’s interpretation on a stage. This meant we saw sand cascading down by the time Victoria was in Rotterdam. All very original, but must have been fun for the stage crew mopping up those errant grains of sand afterwards. If you’ve ever been on a beach you’ll know it gets everywhere. In Rotterdam, Victoria became the fifth Bulgarian (in 13 attempts) to get out of a semi-final, and finished on the left-hand side of the scoreboard. It shows sand originality can pay off.

Victoria is 25 today.

Честит рожден ден, Виктория!