It’s Christmas, Noël, Weihnachten, Jul, Jõulud, or whatever. I hope you make the most of it, as it’s only as frequent as Eurovision Day. And I know how much you, dear reader, love that. I was asked to go for some to fit in with today, but it might be a bit tenuous. Today’s birthday boy likes dressing in white, and for all I know probably thinks he’s God’s gift too. His win was his second coming, as it were. It is, of course, the be-mulleted Ви́ктор Никола́евич Бела́н/Víktor Nikoláevich Belán, better known to us as Ди́ма Била́н/Dima Bilán. He did what he needed to – twice – and almost won in 2006. Who can forget the surprise in the piano? There’s no piano in this video, just lots of angelic dancers.
Dima is 35 today.
Happy Christmas to you all!
С Днем Рождения, Дима!