I’ve noticed that Friday’s post featured a song from the 1960s, and yesterday’s post was from the 1970s. What do you mean you haven’t looked at them? Well you should, because it’s always good to remember our heritage. Anyroad, today’s comes from the 1980s. And it features a country that’s not won since 1975. You’d probably guessed that from the beer in the picture. But who?
Well today’s birthday girl Anneke Wilma ‘Justine’ Pelmelay sang in Dutch, as she had to at the time, and seemed happy enough to be in Lausanne, rubbing shoulders with esteemed people such as Céline Dion, Mia Martini and Guy Tell. Hers was a good performance, and she *almost* managed to make it through the three minutes unscathed. But then something happened a few seconds from the end. If you want to find out what, you’ll have to watch her video.
Justine is 59 today.
Happy birthday, Justine!