5 March – Baby, I love you… and you?

Spare a thought for our friends in Ukraine. They went and won our favourite TV show last year, and are loving the prospect of hosting several thousand of us in two months’ time.

They did host it in 2005, but I’m sure they don’t really know what to expect. It does come with the territory that if you take part you might win. So, with Ukraine having a few close scrapes at the top of the leaderboard, it was probably inevitable therefore that they would win again … eventually.

Today’s birthday girl, Оксана Стефанівна Грицай/Oksana Stefanivna Grytsay, who you might better know as Мiка Ньютон/Mika Newton, was one of those near misses, as she finished fourth. But tell me, can you pay attention to the song with what else is going off on stage?

Mika is 31 today.

З Днем Народження, Mika!
