Every year there’s a song that people think might just do it. All the omens are there. A genial performer, a crowd-pleasing song, a decent draw, and a country no-one really hates.
You follow the song closely from the national final, or broadcaster announcement. The video is pleasing and really bodes well. It even gets to the host city and the rehearsals look good. You think, well it might not win, but it’ll give the movers and shakers a run for their money.
And then comes the all important semi-final. You’re there willing it on, until the third missed note. It occurs in the first ten seconds. All hopes evaporate there and then.
This happened to today’s birthday boy Paolo Meneguzzi. So to spare his blushes, here’s the preview video.
Paolo is 40 today.
Buon compleanno/Frohe Geburtstag/Bonne anniversaire/Bel anniversari, Paolo!