6 June – Love, passion, cheerful mood

Do you remember your country’s early days in our favourite TV show? Was it all good, or was it more patchy. We all know Serbia won on its first attempt in its own right. But others didn’t have it so sweet.

Today’s birthday girl Мариана Попова/Mariana Popova was Bulgaria’s second representative. She was second to perform in the contest in Athens, and we know all of the folklore about performing second. On the plus side, she achieved her country’s best ever result – after two contests – and she didn’t finish last. She got a large number of points from people in her neck of the woods, but not all. And she’s been seen in a more advisory capacity on Bulgarian entertainment shows since. And don’t forget, Bulgaria made a very progressive step with Mariana. She employed Азис/Azis as a backing singer. Azis is definitely worth a google for his activism.

Mariana is 45 today.

Честит рожден ден, Мариана!