ESC birthdays 18/12 – Sunsets are all they cracked up to be


Friday again, and I understand lots of you out there may be having a few quiet drinks and finishing work. If only I was. Only yesterday I got called away to some remote place at 30 minutes notice. I hope that doesn’t happen to you. So you want a birthday, and I think I have just the one. If you’re not out drinking, you may be travelling. Somewhere nice perhaps, just to get away from the madness of the next week or two. So if you are heading away by air, then I have just the song for you. Domenico Gerhard Gorgoglione, better known as Nino de Angelo (aren’t you glad he changed his name) went off into the evening glow, presumably with L*f*h*a*a in 1989. Nino is 52 today.

Frohe Geburtstag, Nino!