ESC birthdays 27/11 – Somebody stop the contest!


The end of an era. A phrase oft used in Eurovision circles. We’re all waiting to use it when we know – for certain – that Carola is hanging up her microphone for good. So the real end of an era was the last ever time an orchestra was used. It was in 1998 at that fine contest in Birmingham. The last contest before the free language rule and the last time an Irishman acted as host. And of course it was the début in a Saturday night show for Macedonia. Or the FYR Macedonia. Or the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Depending on your perspective. I prefer the first term, but there are people out there who prefer the second or third. And today’s birthday boy was that cheeky little scamp called Владимир ‘Владо’ Јаневски/Vladimir ‘Vlado’ Janevski. Vlado is 55 today.

Среќен роденден, Владо!