Oh well, one can not have everything!! – We gets into the hall with limited problems, Gets 4 connections and then – nothing – so apologies if this seems a little grrr and delayed!!
They say in this world presentation is everything – well someone has not told ORF this – It, and this is only my first observations is that their warm-up is better than their entry. The instruments are live – well as live as a Thursday Morning gets!! – Singing Toxic prior to her camera rehearsal is a damn sight better that Y Asi – even though I love the song to bits. Back to it however, It is “performed” – says he loosly – to the best of their capability – and there is a lot of movement but to very limited effect. Henrick. the stage manager, is getting tetchy before we even get going. I fear its going to be a long day!!
As per the National Final – there are 6 on stage, a trumpeter and a Clarinetist doing very large guesture movements, an accordian player , a guitarist and the yodelling Trombonist, quite possibly the highlight of this act being said musicians, who do , or at least can, play live. A lively start, but semi-finaldom beckons for ORF again I fear!