Andorra Syndrome sets in

Daniel Aragay from Vacarisses, Catalunya • CC BY 2.0

Oh, this is very very wrong. It usually takes longer than this for Andorra Syndrome to set in. Gisela’s had her hair done by Haystacks ‘R’ Us and I hope it’s not her final decision, and she’s wearing a… thing. I’m at a loss, no doubt if I were a fashionista I’d know exactly the word I’m looking for, but then maybe there *are* no words. Anyway, there’s a plain white blouse underneath it which makes sure that nothing falls out that shouldn’t do.

She’s not singing all that great either. In fact, I’m willing to predict that there’s a slot in the final for someone from the first half of this semi. Probably Norway, who I’ve already predicted are going through. This really isn’t Andorra’s first ever finalist on this evidence. How ever long is it going to take?