Phil: Oh dear God no – This one doesn’t look silly at all, does it? Yes, yes, a million times yes! Vocally this is very painful indeed – there is so much of a mishmash in this song that it looks just bad on stage, and the song itself is being lost with all the silliness. Whilst the message (the one of the angel and the devil) is being totally lost and the pyrotechnics overpower the song. It is one HELL of a mash up and it’s not doing a thing. The camera work missed the chair being ripped apart and, as such – it looks awful.
Nick: I’m oddly warming to it. Elnur (or Samir) still looks like Frank Spencer, Samir (or Elnur) still looks a bit mad, but I think there’s a reasonable story being told in a relatively coherent way, they perform a difficult song well enough for my liking… it’s not my song, but there’s nothing very much wrong with it.