Phil: I get this confused with Belarus – how on earth could I, one has butterflies and one has Miro in his doctors outfit and bare-chested dancers – how remiss of me!!
Anyway back to the song. It looks alright on stage I guess, nothing to set the world on fire. Miro’s English seems a little bit dodgy (pronunciation-wise), but as we know its not his first language but surely if you are singing in it, you should know what syllables you are aiming for. The dancing seems a little over the top and the song clearly was written with a fade out in mind because it has no ending to speak off, it just sort of goes meh at the end.
Europe won’t be picking the phone up to vote for this once they have seen it. It’s more of a ‘was that it?’ moment. Any anyway Cyprus is up next …
Nick: Comparatively, this looks ready. I reckon they could put a couple of these run-throughs out in the live broadcast on Thursday and Miro’s team wouldn’t mind a bit. Song still doesn’t convince me – but I can’t see how they could squeeze much more out of it at this stage. Some sort of musical instrument on stage would have made some nice pictures at times, but no matter. He’ll be OK with this.