Phil: I still don’t know how to describe this to be honest, there is still the awful wings from the singers, but they tell me that this is its charm.
“They” are thankfully no one that I am associated with. There is a general feeling of “nice song, shame about the ham acting” about this one. Roy thinks that this song is a contender, Catherine thinks there is no chance of this not qualifying. If people actually get past the wings it is a nice sentimental song with a good tune and hook, that is simply performed – Right up until they start getting all silly with the wings..
The one thing that worries me is that Europe will see the butterfly wings and go “HAHAHAHAHAH” and not vote for it…
I am genuinely not sure – it could do go through, but not so sure.
Nick: Morning all! I’ve made it back into position just in time for lunch, which was the solidest slab of pasta gratin you’ll ever see. It had ham and cheese in it. They do like their skinke and their ost around here. I was even inspired to eat the big pile of green leafy stuff around the side, even though I’m usually pretty definite that that’s not for consumption – decoration only.
I’m utterly torn on Belarus. It’s either three minutes of compelling brilliance or it’s an astonishing train wreck, and it might even be both. I’m sure it could be both. No bouncy butterflies in the wide shot any more… this has a voting constituency. I think it’s bonaparti.lv’s constituency, in which case they’re fluttering elegantly into the final but not doing a great deal after they get there.
I like the postcard concept by the way, it looks fantastic on screen.