It’s all been a tad quiet on the bad behaviour front down at party central. Either this year’s bunch are a lot more well behaved than on previous outings, or no one’s managed to find out exactly where Euroclub is yet in the labyrinthine old town. (Well that or the Moldovan party loons made us expect much more of a partyiste last time around).
The first night saw a lone Finnish Oscar, and indeed he was there again. And unlikely party beast, I know, but he does seem terribly well behaved.
As Mr F reported earlier, that Russian bird seems rather pleased with his own shadow and was dancing quite fulsomely to his own song, while the nice old lady from Albania ducked out early… no doubt for a nice cup of cocoa.
Also spotted were some Bulgarians, that tiny Armenian, and a scattering of Norwegian backing singers, but the undoubted highlight came when I spotted Glen Vella needing three goes at opening the club’s front door. I suspected he might not be the brightest bulb in the chandelier, but he confounded even my expectations as to his endearing dimness.
Things might get a tad more rowdy tonight as it’s the first official delegation bash – although as it’s the Swiss do, don’t expect too much in the way of fireworks.
I do all of this for you people, of course. Ain’t I nice!