Austria – Rise like a Phoenix, Sink like a Stone?


I am predisposed to dislike this concept – not the song.  Having said all of that, however, this song is incredibly strong.  Conchita’s manager has submitted his own camera plan and not ORFs and it shows  ONE Camera shot takes 49 seconds from darkness into light, the lights do not show Conchita’s visual for that time and, by that time, you have connected with the song before you connect with Conchita ( in whatever way you feel).  There will be some pyro, doubtlessly, and the gold phoenix in the background puts the old tin hat on it.

We all *know* it’s a bond film theme and you want to go ” Do you expect me to talk??, no Conchita I expect you to fail”….. but she’s not going to fail – not in this bit.  My worry is in the next bit, how many Eastern European countries are going to vote for her – None, Western Europe will vote for it in their 4’s and 5’s and, when done and said, I would think bottom of the Top 10.

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10 years ago

I wouldn’t count out Eastern Europe on voting for this. Despite the politics, they love camp and drag too. Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised if countries to the east of Vienna vote more for Conchita’s song that to the west.

10 years ago
Reply to  Nikolai

That’s another good observation Nikolai. There is a drag and camp tradition, the neo-conservative views can’t erase that. I hope she does get points, there’s a momentum building around her. I love the short rehearsal clip, looking forward to seeing it all on Sunday!


James Blair
James Blair
10 years ago

It is a good song, a tad 1993 (hasn’t Niamh lost some weight;) but very well performed.
Dearest Philomena, we need to work on your cringe factor inbuilt mandressasbearedladyphobia.
What you are saying is its very good, just close your eyes and imagine Shirley!
I think you are harsher on Eastern Europe, they do go for this thing! Remember Virgin Slovenia Airlines in 2002?

10 years ago
Reply to  James Blair

And don’t forget Verka Serduchka – still a regular headliner on Russian TV, or for that matter, Filipp Kirkorov. Hehe.

James Blair
James Blair
10 years ago
Reply to  Nikolai

Nikolai who could forget Verka Serduchka, although music is different. Filipp Kirkorov, anyone who wears platforms that big…

Eurovision Rosé
Eurovision Rosé
10 years ago

I’m really feeling the momentum building on this.. From the huge publicity campaign she’s done to the owning of the camera shots. I can see big points coming her way.. “Our twelve goes to the bearded lady”…

James Blair
James Blair
10 years ago

But will Germany award points;)

10 years ago
Reply to  James Blair

Of course we will!