Spain have had their say

The last of the Super Saturday finals, finishing at close to midnight in Europe, was Spain.  Benidorm Fest final was a hot mess of bad clothing choices, mostly by Ruth Lorenzo,  and some horrendous vocals from most of the artistes.

The winner was, again,  chosen by a combination of 50% “Professional” jury, 25% demographic jury, and 25% televoting and for the first time in the contests history there was a tie for the Jury “winner” which sent everyone mad, including the hosts.

SongArtistExpert JuryDemoscopic JuryTelevoteTotalPsn
RemitenteMaría Peláe412520866
Dos extraños (Cuarteto de cuerda)St. Pedro8628251392
Sé quién soyAngy Fernández6335301283
CalienteJorge González4940351242
Here to StaySofia Coll292222737
Bla bla blaMiss Caffeina271616598
Brillos platinoAlmácor512028995

So there wasn’t a riot after all, sadly. Still, Spain has gone for the electronica sound which is not a bad thing and I understand that it has already gone quite large in the Spanish charts – which guarantees the gays – sorry – the public of Spain will be behind it.  I’m a little annoyed that they have gone for a woman-type singer again but, hey, if Chanel showed them nothing then….