Well heck to betsy if that wasn’t one of my favourite three-in-a-rows in quite some time coming to this thing.
Starting off with them Pirates. Aaaaargh, as we say down in they Wess Cuntry. These brigands be set sail for they sunset and could be comin’ ‘ome with da booty. Alright, so some voices were arry on occasions, and their ful show wasn’t there, but I don’t think this deserves the snooty sneering it’s been getting from the more traditional fans. Don’t you remember fun? Nah, thought not. They’re also quite good larking value in real life, so we’re looking forward to when the party stint eventually gets going and having quite the muck about!
Then comes the ever-more-likely winners Croatia. I’m beginning to rue the bookies not letting me put more that a five on this at 350s. It’s charming, humble and just the right amount of funny. And the moment when our old gimmer pal gives it large on the gram-o-phone is the kind of ten secnd clip that wins a thing for an act. Their press conf was a hoot too, as the old boy kept saying things off mic that made all the others blush or hold their head in their hands. The force is stong with this one.
And so to Bulgaria, which I’m suspecting is just me and Chig. But then we’re probably the only pair of sadsacks in all fandom who frequently dance to this manner of choon on a Saturday night. Fair enough it’s representing the first album Prodigy schtick perhaps a bit too closely, but for this contest it’s a happy revelation. Me likee, you don’tee.
And then Denmark sang.
He’s going to be a policeman, y’know…
In other news, I just passed the Gerogrian lass in the corridor, and she’s tiny like you could put her in your pocket and get her all mixed up in the fluff. She also looks like somebody else has dressed her for a laugh. Bless.
Right, more songs I fancy. Are you lot still reading us loud and clear?