Apologies if this is either late or incoherent – blame John Stanton – he single handedly liquefied Lunch!! – the one that, at 3.06 EET – we are still on! – but back to more important matters
Finland – once again – it is the same old perfomance that words can not describe… He just stands at the front of the stage looking forlorn and still looks down the camera and sings badly and not in English – or in any other language. Now, for the benefit of the lyricist, I have nothing against the song per se – it’s just Geir’s command of the English language I have trouble with!! – and so does he!!. I am sorry , but the bookmakers are right – he will not qualify.
F.Y.R. Macedonia. Whoever told MKRTV to do a half key change needs kneecapping – it comes in at about two mins and 10 seconds where a real key change would have been totally expected and adequate but no -they got for this sort of mish mash half arsed change that does nothing for the song and makes it sound very dodgy indeed!! – Martin is a good and looks well – but the key change is detracting unfortunately
Andorra – superfluous feathers and lots of choreography – it really just doesn’t work really – she really does shout at the viewers and it does not come across at all … This will not qualify.
Switzerland – This has improved 1000% since the last rehearsal – this song has grown on me and, is apparently, is about a Tiger called Cool Vibes that is about to kill them – their performance is excellent and they should now qualify comfortably for the top 10. If they sing on key that is.
Croatia – This was, according to TV’s Mr Roy Delaney – looking strong, but the eejit still does a back flip at the start of the song. This does detract from the song somewhat but, having said that, it might well qualify. The singer does do passion and does want your votes … So it should be OK.
Bulgaria – They are still static and still boring – nothing much else to say really…
Sorry for the brevity but the connection has been down.