… only us P1’s can talk
This is going to be brief though as we have lots to do tonight and WEDNESDAY we are on a boat trip!
United Daz Kingdom – Fuck ME!! – This was fan-bloody-tastic!. It looked great on stage, the girls can sing live, Daz doesn’t fanny about by being too in yer face in the rap, on the monitors it looks great and not over the top. The background has got a school motive and the papers get flung about. Now, you know that I hated the song, but it gave me a goose-bump, watching the credits at the end of the song moment.
Something that La Vissi didn’t. This song, on this evidence is NOT going to win the European Contest of Popular Song nineteen-hundred two thousand and six. She over cooks it – she throws everything at it – Julie Wright was even told to “shut the fuck up” when she had the same contra view as us. It so isn’t going to win because it is over the top and she tried too hard to be a diva. It’s an average song, sung averagely. As I said on the audio report of the previews I did, and I have seen nothing to change my mind.
France. zzzzzzzzzz! – Oh man, but this is dire. It sends me to sleep and I had to endure thirty minutes and four run-throughs of the song. It’s just not worth a description it really is that bad.
Croatia, however, was worth the airfare. She is the “Lucky Loser” to the Final, and HRT are gonna make damn sure that they use all the money they have saved in airfares in order to make this work. It’s fab! – she still screams Afrika Paprika at me, she is very loud indeed in the hall, perfectly choreographed … It’s ace!! ’nuff said.
Thank you all for visiting, we know you are here – because I’ve seen the site stats. A little more feedback would be cool though if you can manage it please!
From all of us, to all of you, a great big thank you for tuning in and if we survive the boat trip – see you Thursday.
Phil and OnEurope Team.
PS – Julie Wright says UK To the Wonning as she can’t post to the DotEurovision board!!