OK the head is clearing and the heavy smell of stale booze is dissipating from my room, I’ve thrown a second coffee down my throat to take away the taste of the first, dragged my big wheelie out of the wardrobe and it’s just looking at me saying “come on then, try and pack me in your state Rosé”. I’ve managed one flip flop and a union jack tie so far before having to plonk myself back at my desk, I’ll come back to it..
Need to dash into London to get my mop chopped and do last minute bit of shopping! Aargh, I can already feel I’ll be running out of time… I was thinking of getting my hair bleached a la the Georgian bloke, but they might not let me in the country with that shade of peroxide. That hair of his is the only thing I’ve seen on stage worse than the performance itself. It’s so loud and vulgar and am scared Georgia are qualifying.
What else from yesterday? I thought Loreen had done away with the guy who comes on and mugs her at the end? I’d read that somewhere but he seems to still be there. Happy they’ve used a snow effect. Did someone post too that they’ve got fake snow falling in the arena too at the end? How fabulous! She’s remembered it’s a tv show and if it ain’t broke and all… Will she do it? Something’s telling me she’ll fall just short..
All those lovely Balkan ballads yesterday! Gosh, I was in heaven! Bosnia is possibly my favourite of the year, don’t ask me why! It sounded and looked good yesterday though how can she just get up from the piano halfway thought and it just keeps on playing? I do love a girl who knows how to swish though and am sure they will capture the end beautifully on camera. Croatia was one for me that really came up yesterday. Many people saying it is the weakest of the Balkan ballads but it’s just lovely and a hot boy dancer to boot! Slovenia plodded a bit for me yesterday, have they slowed down the tape? Lots of flouncing and arms flailing though so that’s fine by me!
That Donny Montell (do you think he was christened that?) looks nicer than I remember him. Needs further investigation me thinks in Baku. I quite like the two songs he performs and the back flip, steady on boy!
Can Bone Me for Turkey is just getting more and more annoying every time I watch him, though he’s another one that needs further investigation once there TOMORROW night, yikes!!
The totty just kept on coming yesterday with Tooji putting in a fine performance. I thought he was going to be one of those that can sing and dance but not necessarily at the same time but he managed it.
Less said about Slovakia the better, I like the inro…
Lots of bloggers getting their knickers in a twist about Ott from Estonia and I think I am one of them. Just sounded sublime yesterday and I stuck a couple of quid on it at 100-1… I vowed not to put any more bets on as I do it every year and always lose out but that was too good odds to miss… Watch it not qualify now!
Like I said just a brief summary of my thoughts from yesterday and I’ll tackle today’s runs through later, after my wheelie and my hair!! Thanks everyone for the hard work blogging here and on the other sights, Monty do you actually HAVE a day job??
Also gutted about the esctoday news, sorry guys. What a nightmare…
More later
Rosé xx