22 December – Please stay

Here’s a pleasant little song to ease you into what may be an extra long weekend of eating, drinking, laughter, stress and disappointment. I joke about some of those things of course. It’s a fun time of year, unless you don’t get a holiday until next month.

Today’s birthday girl Lisa_Andreas (née Lisa Large) was only 16 when she had the interesting honour of representing Cyprus in Turkey. Of course, this is a little muddied because it’s always the Greek Cypriot broadcaster that send a song to our favourite TV show. So it was interesting when some trial captions for this song mentioned her singing for South Cyprus. Luckily, this didn’t happen when it mattered. And she was that popular she finished fifth. What a trooper.

Lisa is 35 today.

Χρόνια πολλά/Mutlu yıllar, Λίζα/Lisa!