It’s official – Sweden are imploding. After an eventful rehearsal they’ve postponed the press conference to a time yet to be determined, and cancelled all interviews. All we need now is no more merciful beheadings and it’ll be like Alan Rickman’s Sherriff of Nottingham is in the building. A merciful beheading might not be such a bad thing though, maybe directed at the fool who forgot to leave Eric Saade enough room to get out of his glass box. It made for a very mirthful time in the press centre, i can tell you.
Moldova is today’s marking mad entry. A very pretty girl, in a winged tutu and traffic cone, on a unicycle, blowing a bugle is the highlight of that song. And it’s daft enough to make your typical Irish housewife pick up the phone and wote wote wote.
Cyprus is stunning – absolutely stunning. Watch it if you can, and fail to be impressed at your peril. That is sailing through to the final, or my name isn’t… erm… Riigimetnik.
I’ve had a request for some more food porn. I can tell you that the porn of the cake and cheese variety here in the Dorf are very easy on the eye, and must be shared with the rest of the blogosphere. I realise that means we move away from the creaky old Eurovision bandwagon. But it’s what we do, and one of the things you just don’t get at other blogs. Other blog type things are always available for your delectation and delight. They may stay on message, but they ain’t half as much fun.
As far as we know, dear reader, the first EVER Swiss party happens tonight. Oneurope will have a presence there, to bring you all the news, and to see if the Sparrow dances on the bar again. If he does it while I’m waiting for a €5 beer, I won’t be a happy bunny.