Evening all.. So I’m still here attempting to pack the wheelie.. It will take about 15mins once I get going, it’s just the getting going is the problem! Mop chopped sans peroxide, last minute shopping done sans new laptop, I just couldn’t justify the expense or face the shop today, so I’ll be in Baku with my old clunky laptop that is about the size of San Marino… Never mind..
Managed to clear the hangover with a bodypump class, oh and a glass of wine with my dinner! Had a sign during the class that Sweden will win the contest, the warm up track was Carola’s Invincible! I almost dropped my barbel, I’ve been ‘pumping’ for years and never heard a Eurovision track but today of all days…So it’s going to be Loreen’s year if you believe the signs!
Did I mention how excited I am about going to Baku tomorrow?!
So it was a busy old day for second rehearsals..
Poor Valentina, she’s splashed out on that Facebook blue coloured outfit and the relevance now gone, though only a handful will have noticed. It’s still so bad it’s bad.
I made a mistake earlier concerning Cyprus. I thought they were cavorting around a dry stone wall but on closer inspection it’s a pile of books. This pile of fanwank might just be scraping into the final..
So the consensus is that Belgium might be just doing enough to qualify, I think I’m inclined to agree. It’s got just enough in my opinion.
The Latvian girl also sported a facebook blue frock today which was ill advised, surely she’ll be changing that? Breaking the rule that baby blue always suits a blonde!
Greece looks messy still but I still feel they have enough support to scrape it. The male backing dancers are good looking but not quite good looking enough!
Going to go out on a limb here and say that Iceland looks and sounds so bloody good it’s my contender for winning the whole damn thing at the moment though those of you that know me will know that by next week I’ll have about 10 such predictions! But it’s great and if you do the maths it’s got a huge chance, duet WITH fiddles, ding ding ding jackpot on recent winners form?
Not much to say on the rest, off to pack!
We’ll be travelling tomorrow so the next time you hear from us will be Saturday direkt fran Baku Baku.. Off for a cold shower..
Night night
Rosé xx