Tamta still whipped off her bodice to reveal her sparkly Spanx at about the two-minute mark and she looked even more like Madonna (who has been confirmed in the media guide as the interval act in the final, for those that care about these things).
The backing dancers were good in their black fishnet shirts and they went with black staging juxtaposed with white neon lights.
This is certainly the most entertaining thing in the first half of this semi final.
It felt too clinical though, and was aiming fair and square at the lowest common denominator.
Qualifying? Yes
Late in the day, CyBC posted an announcement/note from Tamta’s mum on their Facebook page:
“We feel obliged to inform that during rehearsals today, a technical sound issue arose whereby the balance between the microphones that was set during the in-ear rehearsal was not adhered to. The delegation submitted a request for a new in-ear and sound check which was granted and took place today at noon. The issues that arose were there and then corrected.”