Cyprus – Hello?? PDSA??

Minus One at a Meet & Greet during the Eurovision Song Contest 2016 in Stockholm.
Minus One at a Meet & Greet during the Eurovision Song Contest 2016 in Stockholm.

It seems as though, whilst Jamie Vardy may be having a party, it seems someone at CYBC is also having one, clearly with illicit substances!! – Lets take the subliminal pictures of a wolf running through the performance. This is very nearly the most ridiculous thing i’ve ever seen (only to be topped by Thomas Thordasson and his feet o’wheels). They cut in like a subliminal message and it could also have said ” VOTE IVAN” because that’s almost what it could be.

The performance itself, whilst only a first rehearsal, could only be described as “messy”, and thats the best thing to say about it. It lacks coherency, the camera angles and cuts are too frenetic and the overall look is one of a messy, ill thought out idea that has been put on stage. Lets remember that someone actually has dreamt this performance up, sent it to SVT and said ” we want that”. I’d *hope* CYBC would see this and go “no, we didn’t ask for that” because if they did……

All of this…. sillyness distracts from a semi good rock song which is still there, IF and only IF they unwrap this and present the song…. it’ll do OK…. Especially from Dog Adopters…. woof?!