We’ve just had a break in which we availed ourselves of more beer and happened upon the Irish dancing boys having a sneaky cigarette. Well, I was quite come over. We grabbed a quick snap and steadied ourselves before heading back into catch Cyprus. Up close those tattoos are a little smudged and they haven’t crayoned inside the lines that well, but I can forgive a lot if the occasion demands.
Desperate Olympian is singing this very well indeed. It’s gone up in my estimation considerably, though I’m still of the opinion that the frock is distracting with its lacy promise. Belgium has just had their first run through of this session. Roberto is competent and I really like this, and its chances, though ten distraction he is the dancing girls who do some odd moves, including one where they look like they have a synchronised stomach cramp.
We’re hanging on for Serbia, last of a long day. We’re perking ourselves up with some Alyona Lanskaya bonbons from the elaborate Belarus press packs. Two in and I already feel a sugar rush coming on…
Monty x