Last night’s fitba and more of the songs

Now you may know me as the fella on this team who likes to do context. Y’know, the things that go on around town away from the hall, Eurovision or otherwise. So I dragged myself off to a little football match last night. OFK v Partizan. And quite a hoot it was too!

Just look at these lovely fans…

Fitba 005

Can’t wait to go see Red Star Belgrade at the weekend now, cos they got even more fans!

Because of my football fun last night I missed a bunch of tunes from the tag end of yesterday, but from what I’ve seen of them on the telly, I didn’t miss a whole bundle.

Macedonia was like a cab queue outside a desperation disco, Cyprus kind of moogled along amiably, but was quite preposterous when it tried to do anything clever, and Portugal was sweet and nice, and having a go at the simplicity of last year’s winner, without offering any of the passion. But I must add, I wouldn’t be at all disappointed to see it do very well. I’m just not sure that it will.

So I think I was best out an on me travels last evo.

And so to today, with its added extra second stage of fun. Folks in their proper show outfits, in the main, and giving it out like they mean it. Although to be honest, I don’t think reprazent is in the Montenegran lad’s vocabulary, and he just shuffled around looking a tad lost and confused. They’re using a curious red hand motif, utilising both glove and shirt print – but that’s about the most interesting thing to be found here.

Israel’s looking better. At least his shambles of a backing crew were all doing roughly the same thing at the same time, and his shiny silver jerkin distracts from its ordinariness on occasions. By the breakdown three quarters of the way in, where they all go bonkers basson and start shaking about maniacally it gets guffaw stiltingly hilarious, and you’d think for every part they were going to start rolling on the floor and speaking in tongues.

And then there was Estonia. Now there’s a lot of sneering from the more serious minded correspondents of these shires when this one raises its head, but they forget one thing – this is what’s Eurovision is for! It’s fun (remember that), bouncy, and full of those smashing WTF moments that the real people who watching just love and adore. You remember then, people – the folks that actually keep thing thing going in the real world! I love Leto Svet. It ain’t going to do jack in the final table, but I’m so glad it’s here!

Now, there’s been a nice white sofa on the stage for about half hour, just sat there, in low light looking lovely. It’s infinitely more interesting than the Moldovan song that’s about to stain it in a few minutes…