Phil: If anyone important in the Cypriot delegation is reading this … thank GOD you (and everyone else we have told) has spoken to Jon and said, “Camera, Camera, look at the camera”.
Jon connected with me right from the get go with this – He was not just singing this to thin air, he now does to me exactly what the CD does – make me cry just a little when I hear it … and thats a good thing because I have got the connection.
He has that cheeky Welsh boy grin, and from the stories we hear, thats exactly what he is that follows a panning camera and just makes the song come alive.
Coming after Miro and before a break and the way it is being performed has made this song into a CERTAIN qualifier….
My money is safe 😉 (£5 at 6/5)
Nick: You’ll rarely see a happier looking OnEurope table in a press centre than at the moment. Jon’s got the message! He’s interacting with the camera, he’s connecting with the TV audience, and there’s just a little bit of magic happening on screen here.
We also got a glimpse – just once, just in the first run-through – of something that could make this a great deal more than just a “borderline qualifier”. In the guitar break after the first chorus, just a little look up and a nod, a wink, a smile, an acknowledgement of the camera – one glance that says “I am absolutely having the best three minutes of my life up here”.
Basically, this is qualifying with a bullet if Jon can perform like this on Thursday night.