Now – This is why I come to the Eurovision

Three songs in a row – and all of them are different but the same.

Cyprus – Now, it was rumoured that the Cypriots had come on last yesterday as their stage had not arrived – In real life – they need not have bothered. In the UK there is a dog food entitled “Choice” – This would be an adequate description of this – a dogs breakfast. Its lots of things going on on stage. It’s trying to be Romania – with a man and a woman banging oil drums, it’s trying to be Ruslana, by lifted the queen up, it’s trying to be Greek – by attempting to be good – and failing to be any of them It’s “choreography-heavy” and by that I mean that there is lots of thrusting and dancing and stage props and mirrors ( WHY!!) – It is just everything you would expect from a typical Cypriot Entry.

Spain – Oh dear God no. This, to, is bad beyond belief. It is ear splittingly badly sung, if that is the word you can use. It has no redeeming features and if it wins I will never go to a Eurovision ever again ( This is negotiable however). Franko says that they look like 3 women that have come from a Brothel, and not paying customers!! – Its just too….. Spanish, really. OT didn’t work, The National Final this time, didn’t work… TVE need to do something and it is a bloody good job they can not get relegated.

Serbia and Montenegro. Now eminent Irish and UK journalists seated with us in the royal box think that this song is excellent. The choreography, however, is a mix of Hitler Jugend and Tito and Stalin all in one!! – Its lots of marching and symbolic drumming and marching and it is everything you would have expected on USSRTV or”propaganda of a certain age.” (PLEASE NOTE : I am *not* likening any of those countries to anything bad – it is purely an observation of styles). The song itself is, also, out of context in this contest. I have heard the phrase “top 5” , the question that would have to be asked is whether the voters of Europe will want to vote for a song that , in choreography and beat, harks back to an older age that the contest has usually forgotten or neglected. I think the answer will be “niet”.

Sweden – After three piles of shite of different colours – Franko would prefer Gulseren than this – however, again, he is Deluded! Martin prances around and does loads of stuff and is looking good – however, there is something lacking on this performance I think…. In any other year this would give a typical Swedish result – not this year however – Mid to Low table.