Just to finish off all of the rehearsals from today…
Israel – Much improved now their technical issues have been solved. It trundles along and will probably appeal to people of a certain vintage. It might not have widespread appeal so will depend on which sort of loser will be watching the show next week.
San Marino – Hmmm. I don’t like it. It’s common currency among Eurovision fans to hate this with a passion. But. But lots of the volunteers at the press centre have been boogying along to this. Should we be worried? Probably not, but we all know Eurovision loves a surprise. This would be the biggest one ever.
Cyprus – Nice and catchy and outdoes their big Hellenic brothers every time. It may be Eurovision by numbers, but they’ve used a superior quality paint. This will qualify with ease. Then it will get an awful draw and finish 14th.
Denmark – Finally Safemark did what they do. They perform a safe song very safely. Danish shuffle-pop it ain’t. Steady scoring it will get. And if you do get bored with this, you can marvel at the prairies or clouds at sunset in the background.
And finally…
Jedward have outdone themselves again. Several days ago they contacted their manager. They’ve bought two rabbits and called them Euro and Vision. Could he sort out bedding and hutches for them. And arrange for them to be shipped back to Ireland? Only at Eurovision…
That’s all or now folks. I’m planning on having a few sneaky glasses of FREE Georgian red wine before they run out.
Catch you soon.
R x