Czech Republic – standing strong

Gabriela Gunčíková at a Meet & Greet during the Eurovision Song Contest 2016 in Stockholm.

Czech Republic up first. Too late in the day to change to the new name Czechia. Gabriela is alone on stage in a long white frock. The themes of the video are reflected here in the backdrop and the floor: tessellated triangles, and flowers later in. There’s some beams of pink and blue lighting shining straight up from the stage floor. It’s beautiful.

On the first run through she stopped to get her location prompts right before delivering a vocally faultless first go – and this is just the one ton get the sound levels right. The whole thing is very simple, a welcome contrast to the high-tech antics of Russia who will precede her, and the high-octane of Cyprus to follow.

Well done to the Czechs, they’ve done a great job with this. I hope it sees their first ever qualification. Gabriela certainly deserves it. I thought she might struggle against Croatia for the same kind of votes but with Nina opting for lack-of-style over substance yesterday the road’s clear for her to hoover them up.

Monty x