28 August – A shooting star leads the way for people like you and me

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Thick and thin. That’s an adage that applies to every country taking part in our favourite TV show. Any country can win, but equally any country can do less well. Yes, even our Nordic friends.

In 1983 we were deep in Europe at a former Olympic venue. Denmark sent today’s birthday girl Gry Johansen. As we know, the Danes had a long time on the sidelines so were just getting back into their stride. Gry didn’t get that many points although the ones she did get came from all over Europe. Gry may not have scored very highly, but she did lay the groundwork for the years ahead, when a certain duo started to pull in better results for Denmark. A classic example of going from thin to thick.

Gry is 60 today.

Tillykke med fødselsdagen, Gry!