The whole effect is just a bit wrong, really

Chanée & N'evergreen placed high in Oslo.
Chanée & N'evergreen placed high in Oslo. Photo: Giel Domen (EBU)

I’m sat here, looking at a screen while 2 independent performances go on. On the one hand, Chanee is trying her damnedest to get this song through, whereas N’evergreen looks like he really can’t be bothered. Dermot Manning quotes Ken Bruce at me at this point and says: “It has the sexual chemistry of an inert gas,” and he is totally correct! – It should be a marriage of songs and it just looks like they are fighting against the tune and the concept of the song.

This is NOT qualifying at all – UNLESS major surgery is performed.

Nick: Denmark today is a million miles better than Denmark two days ago, though that may be one of those “divide by zero” paradoxes. The vocal performances are much improved – wouldn’t go so far as to say “perfect”, but improved. Unfortunately, the song is now well and truly shown up as the Emperor’s New Clothes, except that I wouldn’t like to make anyone imagine N’Evergreen riding around town with an invisible costume on.

The whole effect is just a bit wrong, really, and when they walk hand-in-hand down the catwalk, the phrase that sprung to mind was “Hello, little girl, would you like to see some puppies?”.

Sidsel ben Semmane, on the other hand, had the most spectacularly good ESC song ever, I love it more than life itself, and it should have won the 2006 contest with 432 points.