So it seems it’s all been a bit earnest since we went out in Dorf for sausage and mash and salmon and hearty goulash soup and apfelstrudel with Franko and A. N. Other.
Dear me, it’s been very earnest. It’s hard to believe just how earnest Musiqq manage to be considering they’re delivering the line “Stare me with candy eyes, love me with luscious thighs” and making it sound like “lots of thighs” which is actually even MORE ridiculous than what they’re actually supposed to be singing… and still looking and sounding really very po-faced and earnest while they’re doing it.
Not as earnest as A Dane in London however, who add “plodding”, “cliched”, “not quite falling off the cliff of originality into the blue ocean of breach of copyright” to the mix of po-faced and earnest and very very serious and “You’re not here to have fun!”. It’s a long, looong three minutes which will almost certainly be catapulted straight through the tent roof of semi-final hell and land in the safety net of the top 10 of the final. I ought to like it, I really ought, but it’s so… damn… SERIOUS!!!!
And as for Jedward… well. Totally po-faced and earnest throughout. And very very serious. It’s probably good enough to squeeze into one of the lower-scoring envelopes, which really speaks more of Semi-final 2 than it does of Jedward.