5 September – Building up a world of bridges

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Do you ever hear a song, that you quite like, and mis-hear a lyric? It could be because the singer’s diction is a little questionable, or they just sing loudly. Or it could even be deliberate and for comic effect.

In 2023 our lovely friends in Estonia sent today’s birthday girl Alika Milova to sunny Liverpool with a pleasant sing about bridges. That’s bridges, yes, bridges. And definitely definitely not fridges. It was a member of the esteemed press corps in said host city that came up with that one. And once you hear fridges instead of bridges, you can’t un-hear it. Anyway, Alika made it through her semi-final in 10th place, and then finished eighth in the big Grand Final. How did that happen? Maybe she didn’t win, but I’m sure manufacturers of a certain kitchen appliance could throw her some cash to use her song for their own means.

Alika is 22 today.

Palju õnne sünnipäevaks, Alika!

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