Them other lummoxes have shuffled off for lunch, so I guess it’s time for me to fill you in on what’s really happening – as the only one amomg us to have bothered with the short hike to where it’s all going on.
The hall itself is a splendor of concretey goodness, and while there is some echo problems from the back of the hall, much of this should be soaked up when the people actually arrive. So the semi finals are buggered then…
It’s all new and crisp, and for anyone attending in the next couple of days, I guarantee, you will trip up on the secret step when to trying to sidle into the seaty bit.
Of the tunes, Montenegro did exactly what you expected of it and underwhelmed just enough for you to not notice it was on, and Israel, despite the expectancy of the intro just kind of plodded along. Although the real fun there was watching their choreographer get into a hissy when the lead footed singalong boys just couldn’t follow the most basic of instructions in what, to be fair, isn’t the most complicated routine. And yes, hands are raised.
So then Estonia bounded on like a ball of middle aged energy and just a bit too much on stage stuff to happily arrange in 45 second. I likey likey, cos it’s fun, bouncy and cheers me up after the first two. Others done share my view. But I believe you, dear punter, know who to trust on this one.
Moldova was just kind of there really – although the lass herself wears a preposterous frock that makes her look like Bernie Clifton on his ostrich – although we’re not sure where she’s hidden the neck. It’s Jazz Cafe nice. And now it’s gone, I can’t remember a dang thing about how it went. Although went is what most of the people here did as well, when it was on.
This could be a long day – but I like long days. They’re usually full of stuff.