Especially for Nick – this song is fantastic!!! – and that’s before the girls have even sung a note!! – they do have their mixing desks – and they do have 5 of them – and, yes, they do all the things you would expect them to do!! It’s been remixed from Eurolaul – as you will have known , and it is Girls Aloud meets Spice Girls…. Their English, however, has got no better, but then again – this IS Estonia!! ;o) – They do play with fake records A La Romania 2003 – and have limited choreography….
Vocally however, they are all over the place!! – a major disapointment to myself – they are all in independent keys and none of them are in the same song!! – that’s put a dampener on things – this may have be a fork contender – but will have to wait and see if it improves somewhat in the nxt rehearsals. and the answer was….. eerm well…. no!! – let’s get shouty more like it – They have managed to take a good song and make it a cacophany of – well – something really – I did think this was a contender – but now… no
Norway – However, is a different Story – Def Leopard meets Bon Jovi! – It’s Fantastic. They flounce around the stage and act Rock n Roll and perform their own version of it. I can imagine queeny Diva strops ahoy with them. But seriously – the 5/1 that has been given about them by bookies is fantastically underpriced value at this rate – they WILL – definitely – without question – get out of this quagmire and get out into a decent Final position.