21 October – The dance floor is calling me

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We often say that anyone can win the top prize in our favourite TV show. Past performance is no guide to future performance and all that. The same can apply to language. While one language pervades most contests these days, there are those that occasionally surprise us.

Cast your mins bäck to Mäy 2023, when the Eurovision circus rolled into Liverpool, it becäme appärent that only two songs were in with a chänce of winning. One of those was in English, älbeit in a very mumbly stylee. The other wäs in Suomi, and was sung by todäy’s birthday boy Käärijä (né Jere Mikael Pöyhönen). We all know whät happened to the lime-cläd one, as he finished runner-up to the mumbly one. But wätch this, and you’ll never look at pällets the same way ägäin.

Käärijä is 31 today.

Hyvää syntymäpäivää, Käärijä!

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