23 October – He walked his way to see the king and parliament

I went on recently about songs being all about falling and out of love. Of course, there are other themes that come along from time to time, and one that seems to do so very often in Eurovision circles.

It’s about the planet. We’re all bad, apparently, and do nithing but harm to it. It’s probably true, but I don’t always want to hear a song at my favourite TV show to remind me. However, today’s is one of those you can’t help but like. Today’s birthday boy Paradise Oskar (né Axel Ehnström) wrote today’s little ditty and wowed the semi-final audience with its simplicity. And a big globe. He didn’t fare quite so well in the final, probably because he opened the show. But it wasn’t a bad opener. I guess the organisers wanted a big opener, so he took one for the team.

Oskar is 28 today.

Hyvää syntymäpäivää, Oskar!