Will this ever Finnish?


Nick: It’s more or less as you expect from the home town entry – there’s an enthusiastic crowd of locals to support a perfectly serviceable song which, under the heavy arrangement, dark and moody set and dark and moody singer… isn’t actually all that strong. “Leave me alone, I wanna go home” isn’t a Novelloesque lyric, and the song seems to have no lift and no proper ending. You can always do with a couple of money moments to do well in the TTT, and I’m not so sure that Hanna has them. Pity. I want YLE to win this contest in the next five years. Won’t be Saturday night, unfortunately.

Phil: ‘Rock Chic’ according to esctoday. I suspect more ‘Diet Rock’. It just doesn’t do anything for me, and the three minutes that it takes for this repetitive song to be over feel far too long.