16 September – We don’t really know what is false or true

Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...

If you have a long memory, you’ll know that Ireland has hosted our favourite TV show in the past. It was a long time ago, but if you remember those heady days, you’ll remember them with fondness. Especially if you’re Irish.

The last time we were there was in 1997, and we saw a mammoth show of 25 songs and, for the first time, televoting. Among the great and the good who sang on the batcave’s stage at the then Point Theatre was today’s birthday girl Fanny Biascamano. She sang for France – another country who once had a finer tradition in the contest that they do today – although at least they are trying. Ms Biascamano finished in seventh place, but she was in touching distance of sixth and even fifth. We all loved it when countries finished a few points apart. And when three of the modern Big 5 finished above her, we realise they were different days. Days some of us wish would return.

Fanny is 45 today.

Bonne anniversaire, Fanny!