France – out of Order… Ortal is just ordinary – the song is just bland – there is minimal voice from her – but the choreography leaves a lot to be desired. It is repetitive and very boring zzzzzzzzz – She says the title of the song about 49890482 times to make up for the lack of a decent tune. The Choreography is superfluous and it will bomb big time.
Spain – Many people think that this is Fantastic – personally I think on this performance that it is a bag of old shite. Its 3 old wallopers that dance and prance around the stage shouting far too many Spanish words at people and making my ears bleed. The Standard of the Spanish Final was appalling, and this was the least worst of a bad bunch. The old man that Raps in the middle has no discernible idea as to what needs to be done – I am in their press conference and they can actually sing accapella – but this song is awful… This too, will do badly.
Serbia and Montenegro. So After 2 bags of shite in a row we get…. a third!! – The Serbian song is excellent on its own, however it has now been spoiled by boys banging on drums and lots of Israeli style dancing. Podgorica will not be hosting the Eurovision in 2006 – indeed at this rate they will be lucky to host a national final. Keith Mills thinks it’s 7 shades of shite – And me and Keith do not agree on much – however, I shook his hand and totally agreed with him.. Its Shit with a capital “WHAT THE FUCK”. This will not be doing anything!!