France – but not as we know it …

Les Fatals Picards

Nick: I’ve come to learn something in the days I’ve been in Helsinki, land of contrasts. There are 42 competing delegations here, and they all have a COMPLETELY different idea of what the Thingyvision Thing Thing actually *is*, and how to go about winning it. France have finally broken out of the innocent-girl-nearly-singing-a-very-lovely-song phase they’ve been stuck in, and have drifted into a people dressed in pink running around and singing something indescribable phase. It’s nearly a rock song, but it isn’t, but it’s almost a ballad or a James Bond theme, and it’s just too odd. Ah remember … this is a very confusing piece. It could only be French! I haven’t a clue whether I actually like it or not.

Phil: As Nick says, this is definitely French – but not in the style to which we have become accustomed. In fact, I will go as far as to say, it’s French, but not in any style that we know at all!!. I had the pleasure of seeing the French Final – and it has not changed much. I am still of the opinion that this is the best French song in many a long year, but it does not have a lot to beat in those stakes. The contest itself, however, is a very different beast and, like so many other songs, this stands a shot at the top. It’s a very confusing song, with confusing languages – and confuses the hell out of Nick … It’s happy and yet crap … Jolly and yet … well … Oooh my head hurts!