France provide us with a beautifully staged song in complete contrast to some of the other ‘pre qualified’ countries (Spain and UK looking at you). Lisa looks a little bit uncomfortable in the first run through and her vocal suffers in the fourth. The unflattering lacey frock is doing her no favours either but she sells this down the camera well. It’s a war ravaged street scene which is impressive but I’m still a little unsure if the backdrops should be so obvious. I don’t want to go to a contest where every country has a photo or video as a backdrop. Having said that, this works well when the drumming part kicks in and a projection of marching drummers is joined by the four real drummers on stage. The war ravaged street becomes a calm leafy ‘post war’ one and the rain stops. Ahhh! There was a very positive relation to this in the press centre and it is the nice surprise of the day. People who were calling this bottom five are now calling this top five. Calm down dears! This is a nice staging of a fairly average French ballad but I can’t see it troubling the top five. Middle somewhere probably.