The Big Four/Five is a thing that has always divided opinion. Should they compete in the semi-finals with the rest or not? It’s true that certain broadcasters put more money in, but now it’s likely the contest may become more streamlined, are they still relevant?
The disadvantage for the Big Four/Five is they can’t really get their song out there before the Grand Final, whereas the semi-finalists have got more airplay. However, the Big Four/Five can sometimes still mix it with the rest. Germany managed a win in 2010 and hosted in 2011. One year later Germany picked today’s birthday boy Roman Lob. He was born in the 2011 host city, neatly linking him to Germany’s hosting. In sunny/windy/rainy Baku, he finished highest of the Big Five, but didn’t get a single maximum. Maybe he should have stood still.
Roman is 30 today.
Frohe Geburtstag, Roman!