A few more tiddly bits

Right then, quick sprint though the latest.

Sweden – Grudgingly OK. Sounds massive, he struts around like he’s as good as he thinks he is, and the girls look great. Should be there or there abouts.

Ukraine – Great! Maybe not your bag of chimps, but of all the songs this week, this is the one I’m most looking forward to seeing performed in the hall on the big night. Just imagine the outpourings of abandoned joy. The place filled up with all the nippers from the food stalls out the back and it was all jolly lovely. Also have a couple of dancers doing the “in chains” thing. Top!

Germany – Y’know, I wanted to dislike this chunk of pop rock hyped up as hard rock, but it does have its charm. Could well do far better than people suspect. Has a bit of that faux skate rock that that midget Canadian pop girl whose names completely escapes me at the mo does moderately well. Oh good heavens, Greenjolly are press conferencing. Best duck out of the rush!
