German cheese

Roger Cicero

Nick: I’d like to thank all those who explained Cicero to me yesterday – and I think I get it now. It’s Robbie Williams (presumably departing from his Pascalis, Mariana, Robert and Bessy era work) doing a jazzed up version of the theme from BBC children’s classic Play Away. He’s got his name up in spangles behind him too, so he can remember who he is. It’s alright, this. From Lissadell to Latvia, we’re singing as 42 different clans who don’t like each other overmuch. He may well be the man in a white coat who we’ve been warned is looking for us. Yeah, this is OK. It’s no No No Never, but it does a job.

Phil: Germany doesn’t have a cheese heritage that I know to… That’s why they sent Roger Cicero I suspect. Blimey O Riley the Rotherham Grand Hotel lounge singer has got a little bit better but still, this song has too many words and a lack of vote-a-bility IMHO for it to do anything else. Having said that, I have just had a “blimey, the credits could roll over this” moment…. then I remembered I had watched the German Final 😉 For now, MY Brain has exploded and I would not like to pick a place for this!